August 9, 2016
I don’t know if I’ve said this before, but if I haven’t, let me say this loud and clear – we have the best couples! Seriously!
Our initial skype call with Rich and Amelia had my face hurting because I was smiling so much. Rich constantly cracks jokes and Amelia has the most contagious laughter. I knew we had to be a part of this couple’s day. (Seriously, the amount of detail that was discussed regarding airplanes…I knew Thomas and Rich would soon become bff.)
Once Rich and Amelia had decided we were the photographers for them, we started hashing out ideas for the engagement photos. These two plan an epic trip every summer and this year they were heading to Banff. Thankfully, they invited us along for the ride – because, seriously, Banff is a pretty ridiculous backdrop for engagement photos.
But – before I tell you about the trip – let me tell you more about these two.
Rich and Amelia met as many couples do. They met online. Amelia was on a free trial for the weekend, and sure enough, she and Rich connected. They met up, went on a date, and Rich had Amelia laughing instantly. Always a good sign. Somehow the date started out as just “grabbing coffee” and it turned into a full day of adventure. They have been together ever since.
Amelia and Rich are very active individuals. They run. They bike. They hike. So it is no surprise that when it came time to pop the question, Rich wanted to do it at the top of a mountain so he planned a vacation to Georgia. Rich scoped out a hike that he thought would be the perfect opportunity to ask Amelia to marry him. The day was cloudy. They got to a lookout on the Blue Ridge mountains, but the view wasn’t super impressive with all of the haze. Rich encouraged them to keep hiking, but Amelia was a bit hesitant. Rich realized that if he was going to make the move, now was the time. He set up his camera in the branches of a tree, saying that he was going to take a photo of the two of them. It was then that the sun parted the clouds. Rich got down on one knee and asked Amelia to be his wife. It was perfect!
You know what else was perfect? Our few days in Canada with them! I’ll just go ahead and say that they pushed me out of my comfort zone (umm, white water rafting in 50 degree weather and hiking 19 miles…I mean, I consider myself outdoorsy, but that was a stretch) but it was absolutely worth it. We got to know them on a whole new level. Rich is a conversation ninja and asked so many thought provoking questions. We talked about allllll the things (seriously – all of them). We ate every meal with them. We met new strangers with them (shout out to our waitress Kat at the tea house). We hiked for hours with them. We saw a bear with them! And to top it off, we even played a game of Pandemic in our tiny Air BnB on our last night. It was such a surreal experience to fly to a new city, meet a couple for the first time, and walk away five days later with a new batch of friends.
Rich and Amelia – thank you for everything. Truly, we feel so fortunate that we have had this opportunity, not only to get to know you, but to also become friends. You two bring out the best in each other – and I’m so jealous of your joint sense of humor! We can’t wait to stand by your side in November and be cheering for you two as you tie the knot! Hugs!
Excited to see this engagement session over on Mountainside Bride!