Our Time in Cape Town South Africa

April 22, 2016

The last leg of our trip involved 3 days in Cape Town. We hopped on a flight from Durban and a few hours later we were descending into Cape Town. We found our adorable and tiny Air bnb with a painted headboard and awesome sink faucets.

Our first day we reconnected with our travel buddies and headed to Cape Point. Unfortunately, it was super foggy that day, so we couldn’t see the beautiful scenery. Sad days. We conquered so much sightseeing that day – the penguins of South Africa and Kierstenbosch National Gardens.

Our second day fell on the national bike race. So, needless to say, it was practically impossible to drive anywhere. There were SO MANY BIKERS. Thomas and I decided to climb Table Mountain. Let me rephrase. Thomas decided to climb Table Mountain and I got dragged along for the ride. He also opted to take the India Venster route. You know, the one that took us 6 hours and has all of these signs that warn you not to take it if you’re not an experienced climber. Luckily, some awesome South Africans picked us up along the way – shout out to you Lucia and Kyle – to make sure we made it safely. They also had picked up another new friend – Keyna – too. So there was a pack of us by the end. We loved hearing their stories and getting to know them a little better. Learning about the country from the perspective of natives was such an amazing experience. Yes, we hiked for a long time, but the views were beautiful and we made it!! We all enjoyed ice cream and cold water at the top of the mountain. We opted to take the gondola back down (good decision…).

After we made it back to our place (thanks uber!) we cleaned up a bit and headed on a drive. Thomas and I had to pick up a bouquet for our photoshoot the next day! Jeanette of Paramithi invited us into her home. We sat in her kitchen for an hour as I watched her craft a gorgeous flower crown. We got to know her husband, as he served us Greek coffee and biscuits. It was such an amazing experience being able to connect with wedding vendors in a whole other country!

That night we ate our last dinner as a group. Thomas indulged on every kind of meat you could imagine – warthog, koudou, ostrich…it was so sad saying goodbye to everyone!! 🙁 I hope we get to see the group again soon! Reunion please!

The next morning we woke up very early – we were doing a photoshoot with a whole batch of vendors from Cape Town! That blog will be coming soon…

We checked out of our Air bnb and drove back to Cape Point – I mean, how could we not? It was such a beautiful day. We had to actually see it after making it this far. Once we saw it in all of it’s glory, we hiked up Lion’s Head for a few hours before our flight. At this point I was slightly grumpy due to lack of shower before our 30+ hours of traveling and the fact that our flight was quickly approaching…sorry Thomas.

We arrived at the airport with plenty of time. It was such a surreal feeling to be heading home. It was truly an amazing adventure. South Africa blew every expectation I had out of the water. There was so much natural beauty and so much life. The scenery, plants, and animals were so incredible. I’m so, so thankful we had this opportunity and I hope we get to return soon!

Cape Town airbnb Cape Town AirbnbCape Town South Africa

2016-04-17_0039Cape Town Film photography Cape Town Cape of Good Hope South Africa 2016-04-17_0043 2016-04-17_0044 2016-04-17_0045 penguins near cape point South African penguinsPenguins in South Africa Restaurants in South Africa Kirstenbosch Garden Kirstenbosch Garden Kirstenbosch Garden Kirstenbosch Garden Kirstenbosch Garden Kirstenbosch Garden lion's head mountain 2016-04-17_0057Kirstenbosch Garden 2016-04-17_0060 2016-04-17_0061Table mountain hike Cape Town 2016-04-17_0064Table mountain hike Cape Town 2016-04-17_0066Table mountain hike Cape Town Cape of good hope 2016-04-17_0070 our last night in cape townTable mountain hike Cape Town Table mountain hike Cape Town 2016-04-17_0074Table mountain hike Cape Town 2016-04-17_0076